Huge, sleek, and fearsome, the massive fish shoots through the water like an arrow through the air, its fanged jaws gaping wide for the attack.
Dire Barracuda CR 5
XP 1,600Speed swim 90 ft.
Melee bite +11 (2d8+10 plus grab)
Special Attacks savage (2d8+10)
Str 24, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +6; CMB +15 (+19 with grapple); CMD 26
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +9, Swim +10; Racial +8 on Swim checks to perform a special action or avoid a hazard
A dire barracuda deals 2d8+10 points of damage with a successful grapple check.
A dire barracuda can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if rushed or threatened.
Environment warm water
Organization school (2-12)
Treasure none